REUTERS / Tim Wimborne
TEMPO Interactive , Victoria - Floods in the State of Victoria, Australia, yesterday continued to spread. Floods do not only drown the settlement so that the residents forced to evacuate, but also sweep the fields in the region.
State Emergency Agency spokesman, Kevin Monk, told VOA said the flooding had spread north to the longest river in Australia, Murray.In order to avoid casualties, local authorities issued an evacuation announcement.Yesterday, residents at Town Hall Swan has reportedly packed to avoid flooding due to overflow of the River Murray.
Monk said the floods caused Victorians suffering forever. Previously, two years ago, she continued, the population has suffered from forest fires and floods are now facing unprecedented.
In addition to casualties, flooding has knocked out the Australian economy. Flooding began in the State of Queensland, which killed 30 people and destroyed the coal mining.Flood then move towards Victoria and drowned more than 75 cities.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard promised to soon decide whether to collect taxes from the national tax payers to pay damages in Queensland or urges cooperation to contribute.
"This extraordinary circumstances, I will make decisions that we need, some of which were very difficult decisions, to ensure we can support the rebuilding of Queensland," Gillard said yesterday in the capital city of Queensland, Brisbane.
Queensland contributed about 19 percent of spending the Australian economy. Greater than when the state was hit by catastrophic flooding in 1974, that only 14 percent. So far northeastern region of the state produces about 80 per cent of coking coal.
Queensland destroyed after heavy rains flushed the country continuously for nearly two months. This disaster affects about 30 thousand properties, close the coal mines, cut railway lines, and destroyed crops. In Victoria, residents in two cities yesterday were evacuated after flooding covered 27 percent of the state.
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