Think about what education might look like in the next ten years, quickly realizes that the trends in technology, a large number of our students leave behind. We no longer live in the era of visible movement, when it comes to progress and innovation. Today is an era of exponential change. New technologies emerge every day and always best and in every corner of society.
The explanation of the best and brightest minds in this new world takes a new and improved educational paradigm. To ensure that our teaching materials for the ages in a corner of the class, the error will cost us can be our future. Trashing the masses by unequal access of children to ensure that we are languishing at the bottom of the pool of globally employable workers in the coming decades.
The new toolbox
I was at an auction a few years ago and I found a couple of antique tools for woodworking, so I thought I could use. For a few dollars, I could have a range of hand tools that may have been in the toolbox of someone
for a generation or more hooks. How to pass in the next decade, I have used these tools in my shop for a variety of projects, my projects until they become too big for the old, dull tools. My woodworking creations as well as improved my skill and craftsmanship. I quickly discovered that would result in better tools for better processing. As any carpenter will tell you new tools require new skills.
Woodworking is a great metaphor for the planning and design students. There is simply no good substitute for a sharp instrument. If you want to build the best projects possible, you need the best tools possible. The thought in the next decade for our country we sorely disappointed in our projects, if we fail to nourish our tools.
In this article I will try to get a picture of how the technology is the way we educate students to paint in the shape of the next decade. I will try the amazing possibilities that lie before us demonstrate, if we just walk through the door of opportunity opened for us. My goal is this idea: to transform the student from a passenger of a "user". You may be wondering what I mean. Let me explain.
Ask yourself what it means to be "user". A user is not just a person that is used. For the student should include as a user of the latest technologies in a free and independent. This new freedom allows the student an active participant in his / her training to become a passenger rather than passive. No other period in history so we can accomplish this.
In our current technological society, means that a user be prosecuted. Monitoring is an important part of our daily lives and it only needs to drive the engine of our educational process for the foreseeable future. The monitoring of a student: the ability to address the strengths and weaknesses of education. The ability to fine-tune the curriculum for the individual was the Holy Grail of educational philosophy for many years. The golden age of technological developments may soon make this dream a reality.
Ongoing programs and individual assessment is at best arbitrary. The ability to accurately assess a student can only be achieved through the use of modern technologies tracking database. The means are readily available and this reality can only be used with the rod above. If the Congress for a shovel-ready project is looking for, this may be the only one.
Imagine a world where every child has a tablet computer with easy access to the application of a photographic memory virtual (internet). Furthermore, imagine that every student can learn the whole of mankind free access at any time. Continue to imagine a world where a misspelled word is a misspelling of challenge application opens instead of an automatic correction. Try to think of what it means for a teacher to have a database with all the misspelled word, every concept misunderstood or missed each equation for each of their students. Imagine a teacher with the ability to personalize the experience of the individual "user" with minimal effort. Imagine the curriculum is aligned automatically to the user through a user-friendly platform, educational, all power and knows every single weakness. I could go on, but I think you get the point.
The company, which this standard is available, the education community is society that shapes the future of humanity. Will Google, Apple, Microsoft or another pioneer still unknown?
Further from the thoughts in my last post, I'd like to investigate the idea of students as users of a new standardized training platform. It 'clear that the future of education is always a reflection of our daily lives in one way or another. If you look at how technology affects everyday life already, you begin to piece together a picture of what it means to be educated in the next ten years.
Over the past one hundred years ago, most people would consider training as something you get. One often hears the question: "Where did you get your education?" As we move through the next decade, education is slowly moving away from the reception and direction is specifically designed for the individual user. The new technology not only allow us to get an education, but also develop an education. The question we might ask in 10 years, is: "How did you develop your education?" The question is, where it is still important, but as things stand at the center that the individual can be defined.
To achieve this we need a standardized platform to develop the unique formation of a student. This platform will allow us a standardized curriculum, the specialized, interests and talents objectives will be voted on in life. For the educator, is a standardized platform to create the opportunity to help students discover the true meaning of life through a unique educational experience to help. The basics of reading, writing and arithmetic are not so much taught as they are discovered and used. Become an experience of mutual learning between teachers and students of the machine.
Under a single platform, each of these three participants will have a role to play. The teacher will moderate, supporting the development of curriculum and inspiring the direction of the student. The student is the user, the collection of resources, skills and knowledge efficiently and measured in a sequence. The machine is the work of data collection and analysis to support teachers and students in the improvement of the curriculum. This work of gathering data for the car even without the teacher from the burden of registration and tedious tasks to distract the current of the actual work of teaching and learning.
Under a uniform system, the quality is far less important. Performance and development will be measured with the performance and intelligence as a measure of success. The question of success or failure is irrelevant, and replaced with a standard measure of intelligence and constant potential and overall. The information is not missed, but always practiced and monitored for machine maintenance.
In our current educational paradigm, the teacher is responsible for the construction of any curriculum. This approach to curriculum development is to inexperience in some cases, obsolete equipment, inadequate funding and lack of time. Measuring the success of a particular program is currently not possible. With a unified curriculum that allows comparisons of success across the spectrum of comprehensive training, done several times and then reformulated and extended through the machine.
Unfortunately, teachers are now stuck with an assortment of boring operations that may be more suitable for an off-the-shelf automated system. Activities such as data monitoring, reporting and accounting are currently performed manually. These tasks can easily be transferred to a database input. Removing follow the development of a standard that these tasks and free teachers to do their main task of teaching students.
3.0 Education
Throughout history man has tried to impart knowledge to the next generation. This process began with an oral tradition of telling and writing stories. With the advent of printing, the knowledge and information has been slow for the masses. The amount of information that could be won by a man in a life has been severely limited by its access to printed materials and prosperity. Most of the training was acquired through observation and imitation. We call this 1.0 Education.
2.0 Education movement began in the late nineteenth century literacy across new regions of the industrialized world. Improvements in education changed slowly from the teaching of formal education and training. In spite of our movements in the direction of education for all, continue to have access to knowledge and the ability to be all over the world is unfair. Even with the advent of the information revolution, learning tools for the student can continue to access.
In the next decade could mark the moment in history when all people have equal access to the greatest treasure of a soul be granted. Can I use the word in the last sentence, because there is a possibility that we miss this unique opportunity. 3.0 Access to education will be won only through investment and universal standardization. If we pursue the business objectives useless wealth and greed to divert, this opportunity will be lost or delayed without hope.
Education 3.0 when it arrives, will be the age of universal enlightenment. Platforms for education and learning is too slow and standardize globally accessible and affordable. The poorest to the richest have access to the machine, which operates the platform.
The thought is on your mind, now you are probably wondering what to buy the car I think. The machine in question we were so busy teaching and training of about 1969 You've probably guessed by now, that I am referring to the Internet. The large cloud of knowledge that we call the Internet is exactly the mechanism we use to build a platform for education is 3.0. When the platform is now available, see the decade to follow, the greatest amount of wealth, the discovery and use of human resources, which we experienced during our time on this earth. The only question that remains unanswered is the point where I want to leave this article.
When will we allow the user to use the device to its potential?
Stephen McClard is the director of bands at Bolivar High School in 2002. Mr. McClard graduated from Southeast Missouri State University in 1990. He began his teaching career in southeast Missouri, before moving to Illinois, where he taught band for 8 years.
Mr. McClard bands have consistently greater competition was assessed as well as many other awards and recognitions. Since 2002, the band twice in Chicago, where the first Class 4A 1, sites and places in the overall traveled to the Midwest Music Festival in the park. The band has also traveled to Cincinnati in 2006 and received the same award. In 2006, Mr. McClard of SBO Magazine as one of the 50 directors who make the difference in name. In 2006, 2008 and 2009 Bolivar RI School District has as one of "Best 100 Communities for Music Education" in America by the American Music Conference. Mr. McClard was previously presented on the cover of the 2003 SBO Magazine for his work with music technology.
In addition to his career in education, Mr. McClard maintains an online store wood and is a third generation piano technician. His creations are custom bass wood, which have sold around the world and unique computer desks made from old pianos. His piano benches have been in magazines like Business 2.0 and Piano Technicians Journal and in many other newspapers and TV news features.
His first book, higher education, a calm and determined approach to classroom management and motivation is great, Amazon and picked up another book.
The Future of Educational Technology and Education
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